Sturgis EEWC Holding Open House Monday
By: Mike Stiles - Monday, January 27, 2025

Sturgis EEWC Building (photo courtesy of Greenridge Realty)

(STURGIS) – An organization to help people get out of the cold is holding an open house.

The Sturgis Emergency Extreme Weather Center has been operating for just over a year, and has seen growth over that time. Krysti Boughton with the St. Joseph Community Co-op says the idea for the EEWC came up a few years ago at a family event after two winters of polar vortexes affected the area. ...... {LISTEN}.

Steve Wilson says it took a year to get everything set for the EEWC to be operational. ...... {LISTEN}.

The center is located at 307 West Chicago Road in the lower level of the building. The EWC is only for overnight hours only and is open to assist people who have no place to go to get out of the below zero weather. There are places for people to relax, watch TV, play games, use a washer and dryer and get a meal, but not to sleep regularly.

If you would like to be a volunteer for the EEWC, an open house is planned for today at 5:30 PM. The public is invited to come in and see the center and fill out an application to be a volunteer.


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