Voters Decide Republican Nominees For County Commission Races
By: Mike Stiles - Wednesday, August 7, 2024

(left to right) Luis Rosado and Christina Yunker (photos courtesy of Luis Rosado and Christina Yunker)

(UNDATED) – Candidates have been chosen by the Republican voters to run for two seats on the St. Joseph County Commission.

In the race for the nomination for the District 4 seat, Incumbent Luis Rosado defeated David Hayslip.

Rosado had 711 votes of 54.9% of those cast. Hayslip had 581 votes or 44.8% of the votes cast.

In the contest for the District 5 seat, Christina Yunker won the nomination. Yunker received 852 or 45.1% of the votes. Craig Crabill colelcted 767 or 40.6% and Alan Albarran had 255 or 13.5% of the votes.

No other candidates from any other parties were on the ballot.


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